
土耳其球迷评价朱婷的 朱婷在土耳其人气很高不逊色在中国(2)

2017-05-20 09:14:18 来源:男人世界


  1-We are glad we actually lost finally because it was creating an unnecessary stress on girls to keep this unbeaten record.


  2 There are many young players on loan from us and actually Beyza Arici is our player, on loan in Canakkale.

  有很多年轻球员从我们这里租出去了,在Canakkale球队的Beyza Arici ,事实上是我们租出去的球员。

  3 We will play the finals of playoffs 3 days after the F4 in Champions League, which will be the best of 5 matches.


  4 We never lose to a team we lost once, Fenerbahce was an exception this season. So I think even if we lose to Volero in Zurich, we won't lose again in our home.


  5 Zhu is not only a great player but also very smart. She is learning English now and able to communicate better. We had big troubles to communicate in the team in the beginning of the season, especially in World Club Championship.

编辑: 木槿
