
如何用英文给女朋友写情书 盘点写给女生浪漫到哭的英文情书(6)

2017-06-05 17:33:13 来源:男人世界





  What is love, or friendship? Is it something material...a ball, an apple, a plaything...which must be taken from one to be given to another? Is it capable of no extension, no communication? Lord Kaimes defines love to be a particularization of the general passion. But this is the love of sensation, of sentiment...the absurdest of absurd vanities: it is the love of pleasure, not the love of happiness.


  But love, the love which we worship , ... virtue, heaven, disinterestedness ... in a word, Friendship ... which has as much to do with the senses as with yonder mountains; that which seeks the good of all ... the good of its object first, not because that object is a minister to its Pleasures, not merely because it even contributes to its happiness, but because it is really worthy, because it has powers, sensibilities, is capable of abstracting itself, and loving virtue's own loveliness ...



  诗人济慈一生短暂而璀璨。他23岁时遇到邻家女孩芬妮·勃劳恩(Fanny Brawne),两人坠入爱河。悲哀的是,当时济慈已患有肺结核,健康每况愈下,两人订了婚却没等到结婚。



  2009年的济慈传记电影《明亮的星》(Bright Star)剧照

  I cannot exist without you – I am forgetful of every thing but seeing you again – my life seems to stop there – I see no further. You have absorb’d me.


  I have a sensation at the present moment as though I were dissolving ….I have been astonished that men could die martyrs for religion – I have shudder’d at it – I shudder no more – I could be martyr’d for my religion – love is my religion – I could die for that – I could die for you. My creed is love and you are its only tenet – you have ravish’d me away by a power I cannot resist.


编辑: 太浪花妹
